Understanding the Different Stages of Periodontal Disease

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  • Understanding the Different Stages of Periodontal Disease

When many harmful microbes can thrive on your teeth, you may get periodontal disease, a gum infection. Periodontal disease, if left untreated, can spread beyond the gumline, compromising the health of your jawbone and causing tooth loss. If periodontal disease progresses to an advanced state, you may require several dental operations to address the issue.

A few variables can raise the likelihood of acquiring periodontitis. Genetics, poor oral hygiene, smoking, certain drugs, specific disorders such as diabetes, and conditions that induce lower immunity are also risk factors. In this article, we have explained the idea of gum disease and its stages to ensure you have a clear picture of its later consequences. Periodontal disease is an ongoing condition with stages listed below.

Stage 1: Gingivitis

You are unlikely to feel any discomfort with just a few symptoms in the early stages of periodontal disease. The following symptoms are likely to appear:

  • Gums that are inflamed, bright red, swollen, and bleed during brushing or flossing.
  • You may also need better breath.
  • You’ll have an unpleasant metallic sensation on your tongue.
  • You may notice greater tooth spacing.

These signs are easy to overlook if you use mirrors when brushing or flossing and use mouthwash to remedy foul breath. Gingivitis, however, is curable and reversible with the correct tools and therapy from your dentist in SW Calgary, unlike earlier stages of periodontal disease.

Stage 2: Early Periodontitis

Gingivitis is followed by the next stage, called progressive periodontitis. Your gums will likely move away from your teeth at this stage, causing bacteria pockets to develop between the gum line and the receding teeth. Infections occur when these spaces become clogged with germs, plaque, and food debris. The nearby surrounding bone structures may be irreparably destroyed at this time.

Symptoms include:

  • Gums become swollen and deep purple or red.
  • Gums become sensitive and bleed easily.
  • Adjacent gums.
  • Significantly foul breath.
  • Open teeth.
  • Chewing-induced pain.
  • Developed gaps between teeth.
  • Pockets in the gums.

While premature periodontal disease cannot be reversed, periodontal treatment in SW Calgary involving thorough cleanings and a total revamp of your regular dental hygiene practice might treat it.

Stage 3: Moderate Periodontitis

If your periodontal disease progresses to the third stage, the rest of your body will begin to feel its impacts. You will experience extreme inflammation during this period, and mouth infections may allow germs to enter your bloodstream and cause bone loss. In stage two, you will experience all of the symptoms listed above plus the following:

  • While brushing and flossing, you feel pain and bleed significantly.
  • Due to infections, you have pus between your teeth.
  • Teeth get loose due to receding gums.
  • Inflammation throughout the body.
  • You develop terrible breath.

Deep root planing and scaling are used to eliminate all plaque deep beneath the gum line and along the teeth at this stage of gum disease treatment near you. You may also be given laser treatment to remove any unhealthy gum tissue and an antibiotic to help fight bacteria and infections.

Stage 4: Advanced Periodontitis

The bacteria are aggressive in the fourth and final stage, causing impending bone loss and severe gum recession. You will have extreme sensitivity to cold and hot temperatures, chronic poor breath, and may lose teeth, too. This stage’s symptoms include:

  • Bad breath that offends others (halitosis).
  • Gums that bleed frequently and easily.
  • Gums that are swollen and retreating.
  • When chewing food, there is intense agony.
  • Periodontal pockets that are extremely deep and extensive.
  • Teeth that are loose may or may not be misaligned due to movement.

Depending on the severity of the progression, treatment for this stage may necessitate various therapies. Your gums may need to be scaled, flap surgery (pocket reduction surgery) may be required, bone grafts may be required to prevent future bone loss, root planing and scaling are required, and some teeth may need to be extracted by a dentist near you.

The Importance of Gum Maintenance

Periodontal disease can progress through four stages in the blink of an eye! While excellent oral hygiene at home is crucial in controlling the spread of the disease and its early development, periodic dental check-ups are critical in detecting the alarming signs upfront.

Come See Us

Are you experiencing symptoms that could indicate periodontitis? Watch for warning indicators such as foul breath, painful and bleeding gums, sensitivity, or loose teeth. You can seek professional assistance from our Bow Trail Dental Clinic to avoid further difficulties and get treated on time.

(587) 872-5669