How Can You Tell if Your Dentures Need to be Relined?

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Patients who want to replace their missing teeth have a wonderful option with dentures. However, this oral structure requires sensitive handling and maintenance that your natural teeth do not; relining is one such example. Many people are unaware of this process and may not consider it when their dentures start to bother them. In order to help our patients get the most use possible out of their dentures, Bow Trail Dental offers denture relining.

What is a Dental Reline?

A dental reline comes in two varieties: hard and soft. In both situations, relining dentures involves putting a layer of material inside the appliance to improve fit and comfort in the mouth. The denture itself will deteriorate after a period of use. As a result, your dentures may begin to feel uneasy in your mouth. When this happens, a reline typically helps to fix the problem.

You can choose between gentle or firm relines depending on how worn out your dentures are. You just need to make a visit to the dentist to get dentures near you for a soft relining. You will have to go without dentures while they are being fixed and sent back since some reline needs to be done at a dental lab that is not on site.

Why is a Denture Reline Necessary?

The bone that originally encircled a tooth’s root will start to decay once it is totally extracted. Since the bone is no longer required to protect a tooth, the body repurposes the resources it delivered there.

The jaw’s form and gum line alter over time as a result of bone loss brought on by the dentures. With time, the dentures will start to slip off since they no longer fit as securely. In the weeks and months after tooth removal, this process starts quickly. After that, it begins to weaken but keeps going for the rest of the patient’s life. To ensure that dentures continue to tightly fit the mouth as it changes over time, a denture reline is necessary.

How Often Should I Get a Denture Reline?

The type of reline you select will determine the answer to this. A hard reline can last up to four years, whereas a soft reline lasts between one and two years. Due to the various materials utilized, hard relines endure longer than soft relines. Compared to soft relines, hard relines use a more robust substance. Until a full reline can be performed, a temporary reline can be done with our dentist in SW Calgary. A temporary reline takes a few weeks. 

Dentures typically only last five years or less because of the changes in the mouth’s anatomy brought on by aging and deteriorating jawbones. Getting your dentures relined might extend the lifespan of your dentures as these minute adjustments take place. However, it will be necessary to receive a new set of dentures if more significant alterations have taken place over the past few years. Only once every two years at most should a denture be relined. However, obtaining a reline will help ease your discomfort if you experience any pain or if your dentures are simply uncomfortable or loose.

Hard vs Soft Relines

A dentist performs a soft reline in just one visit and uses a porous, soft substance that is often very comfortable. For denture wearers who are new to them or who have more delicate gums, a mild reline is preferable. Hard relines are produced from the same gum-colored acrylic material that is already used to make dentures.

Looking For Dentures in SW Calgary?

If you are suffering from sore gums or irritation due to loose-fitting dentures, don’t suffer the discomfort. You can visit a dentist near you, or reach out to Bow Trail Dental for hard or soft dental relines. Reach out to us in case of any queries to book an appointment today!

(587) 872-5669