Are Dental Implants An Option If I’ve Suffered Jaw Bone Loss?

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  • Are Dental Implants An Option If I’ve Suffered Jaw Bone Loss?

Some people who have suffered tooth loss have also suffered bone loss in their jaw. The loss of bone tissue in the jaw may be directly related to that person’s tooth loss. For example, both issues can be caused by severe gum disease called periodontitis. The extent to which someone with tooth loss has also lost bone tissue is a very important factor in determining whether that person may be a candidate for dental implants in SW Calgary.

Dental implants can be the ideal solution for tooth loss, but dental implants near you require sufficient bone tissue to hold the titanium post in the jaw which, in turn, holds an abutment and artificial tooth, denture, or bridge. So the question arises — what if you have poor bone density because of severe bone loss in your jaw? Can you still receive dental implants from a dentist in SW Calgary?

The most common form of dental implants are implanted into the jaw. If you have suffered severe bone loss to such an extent that there isn’t enough bone material to support an implant, you may still receive dental implants of a different kind. Rather than implants placed in your jaw, you may be a candidate for zygomatic implants.

What are zygomatic dental implants?

Typically, dental implants are placed in your jaw directly below the gap in your teeth left behind by tooth loss. If the bone tissue there is not dense enough to support an implant, a zygomatic implant is implanted into the zygoma (rather than the jaw). The zygoma is an irregularly shaped bone in your skull and face; you may know it better as your cheekbone.

Is there an alternative to zygomatic dental implants?

Some people with suboptimal bone structure can increase the bulk of the jaw bone through a series of bone grafts. In a bone graft, bone material is taken from elsewhere in the body and added to the jaw where the implant is intended to be placed. Bone material needs to be added to the affected area of the jaw in small incremental amounts, meaning that increasing bone bulk to accommodate an implant requires multiple procedures even before the implant procedures can get underway. This need for multiple procedures to complete bone grafts is a disadvantage compared to the option of zygomatic dental implants near you.

What are the benefits of zygomatic implants?

Whether zygomatic implants are an appropriate solution for you is something you should discuss with a dentist near you who has assessed your teeth and jaw, and who is familiar with your medical history. Generally, here are some benefits of zygomatic implants:

  • Zygomatic implants will not compress soft tissues in your face in the same way as jaw bone grafting
  • Obtaining zygomatic implants involves fewer procedures and dental appointments than bone grafting followed by dental implants into your jaw
  • Zygomatic implants interact well with your body’s soft tissues to reduce the risk of complications following implant
  • Implants into your zygoma provide options for permanently replacing lost teeth in situations, where bone grafting may not be appropriate or preferred, the only option would be persistent missing teeth

The bottom line is this. If you have lost bone structure in your jaw for any reason and are looking for a permanent solution for your tooth loss, your options are not limited to traditional dental implants or toothlessness. While bone grafting is an option, you should ask your dentist in SW Calgary or Book an Appointment to carefully review your case to determine whether you’re a good candidate for zygomatic implants.

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